王秋玉/ Fiona Wong Chiew Yoke
逝世日期 2021年7月26日
王秋玉/ Fiona Wong Chiew Yoke
- 逝世日期
- 2021年7月26日
- 地点
- Kuala Lumpur
关于 王秋玉/ Fiona Wong Chiew Yoke
王秋玉,59岁,于2021年7月26日,早上11点39分在雪兰莪万宜的国民大学医疗中心逝世。 她留下了丈夫和3位子女,Quay Tze Khang、Quay Xiao Yun和Quay Qi Jing。 她在 TA Securities 担任了30年的股票经纪人。 她对烘焙和烹饪充满热情。 她喜欢烤饼干,并时常送给同事吃。她通常也会为即将来到的中秋节制作月饼。
Kitty Chan | Friend
It is so saddening to lose Fiona on earth. She is such a vibrant character with strength, energy and wisdom. A cheerful caring lady with charisma. I have questioned God why He won’t let her continue to shine for Him on earth. Yet, I know HE has better plan for her in heaven. I will miss her, miss our never fulfilled trip in Penang, miss our sharing on Facebook as food and dog lover. I would tell her our Sheltie, Scott misses her too. I will never forget the time she, her sisters and her family visited Vancouver about 5 years ago. Thank you Clara for introducing me to Fiona’s life. God bless you All.Mee Kien | Buddy
I will forever miss Fiona, her smile, laughter and the many happy times, down times and meals we shared together. Fiona lives on forever in my memory. Loved her. ❤Clement Ngai
The love, time, effort and memories that you have given to us will continue to live on in everyone's heart foreverAlicia
Fiona will be fondly miss by me and our hiking and cycling buddies , our travelling companions and makan kaki. She is kind and generous and great fun to be with as she plans well for our outings林美风 | 小学同学
永遠怀念你王秋玉. 每次见面都是講以前现在只有回憶这就是人生.Clara Wong Poo Chin | Sister for the last 59 years while on Planet Earth
We thank God for the joy, sweet memories and pains we have had with you Fiona!!! We sisters and brothers missed you now and WILL meet you in our Eternal Home of Paradise with our Lord Jesus. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 NIV [7] You have fought the good fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the faith. [8] Now there is in store for you the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to you on that day---and not only to you, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.Daniel Choe
Will miss your cooking Yiyi.Zhi | Nephew & Aunt
Thank you for taking care of me when i was younger, your kindness and care will forever be rememberedAlbert Quay
Love you dear! ❤️❤️