Michael Geh Thuan Peng
逝世日期 2021年5月15日
Michael Geh Thuan Peng
- 逝世日期
- 2021年5月15日
- 地点
- Pulau Pinang
关于 Michael Geh Thuan Peng
倪川鹏,57岁,于2021年5月15日,中午1点45分在槟城中央医院逝世。 他生前是世界不动产联盟(FIABCI)大马分会前会长。他也是本地著名估价师兼产业咨询顾问。 亲友突闻噩耗皆感到震惊和悲伤,对其离世深表惋惜及痛心。他遗下孀妻Celia Fung及女儿Nicole Geh。 也是Raine&Horne International Zaki+ Partners私人有限公司高级合伙人的倪川鹏,今年4月凭藉其在房地产谘询领域的杰出贡献和丰富经验,在2021年度全国企业家高峰会上,获颁发“全国杰出企业家终身成就奖”。
You’ll definitely be missed! Till we meet again. Rest In Peace, Mike.Michael Lim | Friend
Just barely a month before Mighty Mike passed on, you and I just had our last casual meeting and even spoke about the things we liked. You are always the friendly guy, making people laugh. And then as usual, will drop hints of wisdom.LooiSuechern
Mr Geh was kind and helpful to the media fraternity. Any reporter who needed to write something about real estate could contact Mr Geh and he will share his insights. Despite being up there in the corporate world, he was down to earth and approachable. You are missed, Mr Geh.Jeffrey Chew | Friend
A true Xavierian with a big heart and a person who is never selfish to share his wisdoms with the people around. I will miss him very much and a true friend indeed. RIP Mike. LABOR OMNIA VINCIT