Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid in a shirt bearing Ikim logo, with a microphone in front of him, giving a speech

Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid

逝世日期 2021年8月28日

Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid


关于 Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid

Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid,82岁,于2021年8月28日去世。 他于1990年至1996年担任政府首席秘书,是一位备受尊敬的公共服务行政人员。 他是伊斯兰理解研究所(Ikim)的创始人和第一任主席。 他留下了妻子和五名孩子。


  • sha

    my late mom - cousin. after 9 days of his demise, my mom turns. also due to covid. May Allah bless them and grant Jannah to them.
  • SAJ

    Tun Ahmad Sarji was eminently qualified to hold the highest post of Chief Secretary cum Cabinet Secretary. He had served at the Federal, State & District levels & had intimate knowledge of Public Sector operations. He was meticulous in work as in disposition. A disciplinarian but very fair in his dealings with his peers and subordinates alike. Always remembered his humble background and never failed to appreciate and honour his mentors even after he was elevated to the highest public service office. He was the last person to hold the office of KSN with class and distinction. Condolences to Tun's Family.
  • PRB | SIL

    May ALLAH SWT forgive his sins, grant him Jannah and the Ummah build upon the legacies built and left by Babah. Aamiinn InsyaAllah
  • Hafiz

    God Bless You Sir
  • JE

    May Allah reward him with the highest place in Jannah for all his selfless contributions to the nation.
