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Tek Ah Bek, memakai baju berwarna merah jambu, berambut lurus paras bahu, tersenyum lebar sambil menunjukkan tanda peace dengan jari

郑雅妹/Tek Ah Beh

Passed away on 11 July 2021

郑雅妹/Tek Ah Beh

Date of Death
11 July 2021

About 郑雅妹/Tek Ah Beh

Tek Ah Beh, 60, died at University Malaya Medical Centre at 10.44pm on July 11, 2021. She was a warm person, who was always surrounded by friends and family. She was kind-hearted and took care of her family well. Even though she faced difficulties in her younger years, she was always positive and never got beaten down.

We will always remember you

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