Kong Wan Hong
Passed away on 22 July 2021
Kong Wan Hong
- Date of Death
- 22 July 2021
- Location
- Selangor
About Kong Wan Hong
Kong Wan Hong died in Hospital Serdang on July 22, 2021. His daughter, Bowie Kong, said he tested positive n July 15 and was under home quarantine when his condition worsened. He was admitted to Hospital Serdang on July 22 but spent most of his time there waiting for a bed in the Emergency Department, Bowie said. He worked in a wet market.
We will always remember you
小刘 | a member of public
江先生,几个月前在社交媒体读到你女儿的贴文,了解你离世前在医院的境遇,知道了之后十分难受,也气愤,希望我们可以为你做更多事情。但所有人都只能眼睁睁看着这么糟糕的事情发生。希望你到了更美好的地方。 Dear Mr Kong, I read your story on social media, written by your daughter. I was saddened and outraged by the story, really hope we can do much to improve your condition. I hope you are in a better place now.