Khairul Azlee Mohd Fahmi
Passed away on 8 September 2021
Khairul Azlee Mohd Fahmi
- Date of Death
- 8 September 2021
- Location
- Selangor
About Khairul Azlee Mohd Fahmi
Khairul Azlee Mohd Fahmi, 24, died at 8.59am on Sept 8, 2021. He was better known among his peers as Abot. He was a father of a one-year-old boy, a husband and a son. He was a a good son and friend and a very humble, cheerful person. He always cared about the driver community. He was the director of Transit Synergy and an operations manager at Sheer Global Travel.
We will always remember you
Athira along | Cousin
Alfatihah.. Always in memory n longing😔😔😔🥰🥰Aisyah | Mother
Macam tak percaya Abot pergi 😭😭😭 Semoga Allah mudahkan urusan arwah disana. Mama ampunkan semua jika ada kesalahan dan mendoakan arwah tenang. Arwah anak yg baik dan disenangi.Ammar
Kind person and a family man who cares for his family alot , unfortunate to leave having just started to establish himself. He will be missed great, may his soul rest in peace