Nur Zaheerah Zainuddin
Passed away on 17 September 2021
Nur Zaheerah Zainuddin
- Date of Death
- 17 September 2021
- Location
- Perak
About Nur Zaheerah Zainuddin
Nur Zaheerah Zainuddin, 24, died at 1.10am on Sept 17, 2021. She was the eldest of six siblings and was much loved by her friends and family. She is remembered as someone who would always lend a helping hand and a filial daughter who always cared about her family. Although she was still young and had yet to start fulltime employment, she was good at making pocket money through part time work. She would offer her services as a make up artist to friend or cousins who needed to be dolled up for their events. She was the cook for ala carte dishes at the family eatery, Kedai Kopi Sechewan in Simpang Pulai, Perak and her would be greatly missed when the establishment reopens soon. Eah, as she is known, also often stepped in to help care for her ill mother or grandmother, when there was a need to relief their carer. "May Eah rest in peace among the pious, in the afterlife."
We will always remember you
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