Norhadziah Ismawi (Gee)
Passed away on 21 September 2021
Norhadziah Ismawi (Gee)
- Date of Death
- 21 September 2021
About Norhadziah Ismawi (Gee)
Noradziah Ismawi, 41, died at 9.20am at Hospital Serdang, Selangor on September 21, 2021. She was also known as Gee Ismawi and was the wife of rock band Fenomena's guitarist, Zul Iskandar Shah. She had four children aged three months old to 11 years old. She was hospitalised on Aug 25, after experiencing a fever and loss of sense of smell. She was supposed to be vaccinated but three days before that started to feel feverish and very fatigued. She was intubated after seven days in hospital.
We will always remember you
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