Abdul Razak Abdul Rahman
Passed away on 11 August 2021
Abdul Razak Abdul Rahman
- Date of Death
- 11 August 2021
- Location
- Selangor
About Abdul Razak Abdul Rahman
Abdul Razak Abdul Rahman, 54, died on Aug 11, 2021. He was a lecturer at the Human Ecology Faculty of Universiti Putra Malaysia. He was also the a college master for KTDI, KTP and K12 and commandant for the university's police undergraduate voluntary corp (SUKSIS). He had before that taught at the Malay College of Kuala Kangsar, and was a handball coach. His students remember him as a father figure, role model and friend.
We will always remember you
Al-fatihah buat Walid, seorang pengetua yang sangat prihatin dan seorang ayah yang penyayang.