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Remembrance message for Morsidi @ Kaji bin Ludin from his granddaughter, Iris. She describes him as her warrior, and someone who was always smiling.

Morsidi @ Kaji bin Ludin

Passed away on 15 October 2021

Morsidi @ Kaji bin Ludin

Date of Death
15 October 2021

About Morsidi @ Kaji bin Ludin

Morsidi @ Kaji bin Ludin died at Hospital Miri on Oct 15, 2021. He was a beloved father and grandfather. His grandchildren called him Nini. Granddaughter Iris, shared: "Al Fatihah for our Nini. Memories of you will never leave us. "Covid-19 has separated us but memories of you will always stay with us. "You were a very good person, patient, generous, always full of gratitude and loyal to Allah. "Ya Allah, how we long for you. We miss every moment with him. We miss you smile for you were always smiling. "You were such a special person to us all. We accept this fate but only God knows how much we miss you. "May you find peace in the afterlife. We can now only send you our prayers. "We promise to care the jewel of your heart, who you have left behind, as well as we can. "We will miss your forever."

We will always remember you

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