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Enriti Engkang shows the peace sign and smiles as he poses at home. In the background are medals.

Entiri Ngkang

Passed away on 17 August 2021

Entiri Ngkang

Date of Death
17 August 2021

About Entiri Ngkang

Entiri Ngkang, 47, died at Hospital Serdang at 2.08pm on Aug 17, 2021. He is survived by a wife, Cecelia Tedong, and two children aged 14 and 17. He was from Rumah Jelani Nanga Lesih in Kanowit, Sarawak. He lost his job in the pandemic and spent many months seeking re-employment. He finally found work and was employed for two months before he died.

We will always remember you

  • Suryanti

    Semoga tenang di sana

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