Artini Zolkarnain
Passed away on 2 February 2021
Artini Zolkarnain
- Date of Death
- 2 February 2021
- Location
- Selangor
About Artini Zolkarnain
Artini Dzolkarnian, 41, died at Hospital Universiti Teknologi Mara, Selangor at 5.30am on Feb 2, 2021. She was 30 weeks pregnant and successfully delivered her baby through Cesarean section, before succumbing to the virus. She was a mother of five and a staff nurse at the Rehabilitation Medicine Department of UiTM's specialist centre in Sungai Buloh. Her colleagues remember her as a remarkable person who went above and beyond her duties. She had also authored a book on how to care for heart patients.
We will always remember you
Walau tidak kenal arwah, sy tetap mendoakan supaya arwah ditempatkan bersama para solihin. Ya Allah ampunkan dosanya, lapangkan kuburnya,haramkanlah dia dari siksa api neraka dan terimalah amal ibadahnya.Stranger
A very beautiful soul... may she be placed amongst the righteous in heaven