Rohaizah Yasman
Passed away on 7 June 2021
Rohaizah Yasman
- Date of Death
- 7 June 2021
- Location
- Johor
About Rohaizah Yasman
Rohaizah Yasman passed away at 10 am on June 7, 2021 at the Sultanah Fatimah Specialist Hospital in Muar, Johor. She was six months pregnant and fell into a coma after contracting Covid-19. Doctors had to perform surgery to remove her baby. She and her husband had two children. The premature baby was their third child and weighed only 500 grams at birth. The baby could not be saved. Rohaizah's father, Yasman Manap, also passed away on June 4 due to Covid-19. She was part of the Jalan Maharani Cluster involving the Muar City Council.
We will always remember you
Edleen | Just a stranger who happens to pass by this page
I may not know you But I pray that Allah grants you the highest of Jannah Kematian yang dicemburui- syahid seorang ibu yang melahirkan May your soul be placed amongst solihins and anbiyaas ❤️