Ahmad Mohamad Talib
Passed away on 18 November 2020
Ahmad Mohamad Talib
- Date of Death
- 18 November 2020
- Location
- Perak
About Ahmad Mohamad Talib
Ahmad Mohamad Talib, 58, died at Hospital Raja Perempuan Permaisuri Bainun (HRPB) on Nov 18, 2020. Before he died, he left a handwritten note: 'Please pray, continue with your *solat hajat*. Abah seeks your forgiveness. Take care of yourselves.' His daughter, Syafiqa Humairak, said the note was written by her father before he was intubated. She said their entire immediate family, including the deceased's one-month-old grandchild was also infected and were unable to attend Ahmad Mohamad Talib's funeral.
We will always remember you
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