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A framed picture of P Pramedasa Peeris. He is smiling, and has a dimple. He has short grey hair and a youthful face.

P Pramedasa Peeris

Meninggal dunia pada 15 Julai 2021

P Pramedasa Peeris

Tarikh Kematian
15 Julai 2021

Mengenai P Pramedasa Peeris

Kakitangan DHL IT Services, Cyberjaya, P Pramedasa Peeris, 52, meninggal dunia di Hospital Serdang, Selangor jam 10.16 malam pada 15 Julai 2021. Beliau seorang suami, abang, bapa kepada tiga anak dan datuk kepada dua cucu. "Kami akan sentiasa memperingati bapa kami sebagai seorang adiwira yang melindungi keluarga kami dari Covid-19. "Kami akan sentiasa mengingati semua yang diajarnya dan amat merinduinya. "Ayah berada di hati kami selamanya."

Sentiasa dalam kenangan

  • Reneeta Darsheeni Peeris | Daughter

    To my loving Papa, If I could write a story, It would be the greatest ever told, Of a kind of loving father who had a HEART of GOLD. I could write a million pages but there's one thing I would say, just how I miss him every single day. I know he'll always love us, We may be hurt, but we are trying not to be sad although it wasn't his time to go. I know his watching over us from a better place. We will always remember you and be thankful for everything you gave us, your sacrifices and teachings. We will also cherish all the memories we had with you. Rest in Peace my loving Papa.
  • Roy Gautamadasa | Best friend and a brother

    Dasa..our friendship can never be replaced but will always be remembered. Love all serve all. You will always be in our heart. Love u always and see u again in a better place..
  • Jarred Ashwan Peeris | Son

    Never thought he'd leave so soon. He was everything to me. My father, mentor, best friend and hero. A humble, caring and intelligent man. All the guidance and lovely memories he gave will be cherish and kept. I will meet him one day again, till that day comes I hope he's watching us from above and may his soul rest in peace.

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